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 Seek a more fulfilling, joyful, and effective way to work


"I know that a more fulfilling, joyful, and effective way to work is possible for every person and every company. The research done and shared in Patrick Lencioni's book, the 6 Types of Working Genius - Discover the Gifts You Bring to Work, can be leveraged by a team or individual to create a more fulfilling way to work. It's my goal to help you discover your Working Genius for you to have an effective and joyful work-life dynamic." - D. T. Rosa


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Pat Lencioni, author and creator of  The 6 Types of Working Genius and the CEO of  The Table Group, writes that "The 6 types of Working Genius ... is a new model that helps people discover their natural gifts to thrive in their work and life. When people are able to better understand the types of work that bring them more energy and fulfillment and avoid work that leads to frustration and failure, they can be more self-aware, more productive and more successful." (quote from

At D. T. Rosa, this is how we explain our vision:

- Fulfillment is first self-awareness, then self-acceptance, then self-restraint, which allows to us self-gift.

- Joy is not feeling but a state of being. It’s not just a smile. It’s a presence of living in reality with charity reigning in our hearts.

- Effectiveness is NOT efficiency. Effectiveness is that when we are fulfilled, as we are joyful, we can be authentically, truly ourselves to be great workers and teammates which immediately carries into our personal lives.


The average worker each day burns out and is constantly frustrated by interactions. Teams are dysfunctional, hiring is difficult, and staffing is a struggle. There doesn't seem to be a common language in the world of work.


D. T. Rosa adopts The 6 Types of Working Genius to present to organizations, executive teams, small businesses, and individuals so that the every day worker can build trust, speak a common language, reclaim team synergy, and strive after their goals in a dynamic way.


See our services below and email to see how you can bring The 6 Types of Working Genius into your world to transform your life and your team's life.


D. T. Rosa is a certified Working Genius Facilitator

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(210) 417-7141

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